Career Paths


The Role of Protein-Protein Interactions and Phase Separation in Biophysics

Liquid-liquid phase separation is a form of polymer chemistry, recently found to be particularly relevant to cell biology, that involves the de-mixing of enclosed molecules into a dense phase and a depleted phase [1]. This results in the formation of various membrane-less organelles, such as P bodie...

Dr. Olga

Why These Questions During an Interview?

Do you sometimes wonder why a hiring manager asks you certain questions and what responses he wants to hear? Here, I am offering to look at the job interview process from the hiring manager's point of view. While it may not provide all the answers you are looking for, it may allow you to understand ...

Dr. Olga

Navigating Career Choices in a Changing World

In our younger years, many of us strive to make the best out of our lives. I am sure that most people start hearing their first career advice early in childhood, sometimes even before they go to school. Do you not believe me? How about “To achieve something, you have to work hard.” Or “You hav...

Dr. Vinny

Navigating the Process of Research Article Writing and Publication

The journey of a research article is like a Lego game - completing one objective at a time (research question) to connect to other existing pieces (knowledgebase), thus progressing the field or completing the Lego. The purpose of a research article is to answer a critical question in the field rigor...


Best-Laid Plans: Transitioning to Industry From Academia By: Amy Loriaux, Ph.D.

I had it all planned out, starting from graduate school going all the way to professor emeritus. A career as a tenured professor, a post at a distinguished institution, maybe a chair of a reputable foundation. A lab full of graduate students and postdocs eager to learn. And, most importantly, answer...


Bridging the Gap: Aligning Clinical R&D with Commercial Goals

Throughout my two decades in Clinical R&D, I've been privileged to receive Outlook invites from my Commercial counterparts. These invitations vary in timing, arriving as early as before a phase 3 study's database lock or as late as the drafting of high-level documents for an NDA. Reflecting on t...


The Wholeness of Life Science

I have been interested in life science for over six decades. This has benefited my life and career. As a child, I was fascinated by dinosaurs, extinct mammals, astronomy, chemistry and math. My older brother, cousin and parents taught me. hey encouraged me to study, read and learn. I tried to be as ...


Navigating Academia: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Path Forward

Hello! As a fellow academic, I wanted to share my own experiences in academia with PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, and associate researchers. I want you to know that the struggles you face are not uncommon.  The situation you are enduring happens more often than not. I want to put my side of th...


Navigating Constructive Criticism: A Guide for Science Writers

Criticism is an inherent part of working in the science field, especially for those of us who have trained or worked in research laboratories. Similarly, science writers often find their work under scrutiny, making it essential to learn how to respond to criticism with professionalism and adaptabili...


The ABCs of Making Science Writing Accessible to a Wide Audience

As a biologist, you possess a wealth of knowledge about complex biological concepts. However, communicating these ideas and discoveries to a general audience can be challenging. Striking the right balance between accuracy and accessibility ensures your message reaches a broader audience. Science ...